Smith-Madrone Logo

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  • slider_lg_orear.jpg
    Photo of fog over the Napa Valley by Chuck O'Rear
  • slider_cooksflat-autumn.jpg
    On December 5, 1884 President Chester A. Arthur signed a “patent” (the 19th century term for a real estate deed) from the U.S. Land Office granting ownership of what is today Smith-Madrone Vineyards & Winery to George Cook. This special block, the source of our Cook's Flat Reserve, honors this history.
  • slider_lg_downhillvines_ms.jpg
    Photo of vineyards looking down the hillside.

Shipping Restrictions:

Currently we are not allowed to ship to Mississippi or Utah.

Accessibility Statement

Please read about our commitment to making our digital content accessible.

Vineyard Videos

Enjoy this video of a drone's view over our vineyard.

YouTube Screenshot

We also have an active video channel here and here.

We welcome purchases through our website and are available to answer any concerns or questions either by email or by calling 707/963-2283.

Winery Visits

We look forward to your visit. Reservations are required through our Tock reservations system.

If you are experiencing any problem making a tasting reservation please call the winery directly, 707/963-2283.


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Sending a gift?

** If you have specialized shipping instructions OR gift message/enclosure directions, please contact us at Thank you! **